Hi, I'm Firnaz Luztian Adiansyah

Available in the market A software engineer

About me

A Master of Information Technology graduate with a good foundation in Computer Science, Object Oriented Design, and Problem Solving. Seeking a position in software engineering or related position in order to optimize the company’s productivity by solving key problems. A self-motivated, dedicated and good team player with excellent communication skills, including presentation skills, and able to work in a multicultural environment. Deep Passion to keep track of new technologies and skills through continuous self-learning.

Core Competencies

  • Problem Solving
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Result Oriented
  • CommunicationSkill
  • Team Collaboration
  • Commitment to Excellence

My Skills :

Programming Languages & Tools

what I do

a line of code a day keeps the bugs away (?)

Software Engineering

Develop high quality software using Object Oriented Design, Design Pattern, and appropiate software methodology


Web Development

Develop responsive website using current web technologies to ensure UI/UX and Usability of the website.


Mobile Development

Build native mobile application in Android or IOS device in order to fully optimized performance and device capabilities.


Game Development

Develop interactive 3D games using Unity with C# and Autodesk Maya as a 3D animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering tool.


My Portfolio

Prototypes of self projects that are still on going or completed.

  • All
  • Game Development
  • Android
  • Programming
  • Web Development
  • Certifications
  • Activities

Game Development

In Darkness

A 3D survival horror game called “In Darkness” for PC Platform. “In Darkness” is a game created for Dr. Roberto Dillon, from Adsumsoft. Managed with Scrum, It is a survival horror game, where player starts in the mansion and their goal is to escape the mansion without dying. They have to blow out all the candles in the game in order to stop the exorcism. The player need a microphone and blow into it to blow out the candles. However, a ghost will roam around in the room,trying to prevent the player from progressing. If the player runs into the ghost, the player will die instantly. Therefore, the players have to keep an eye on the ghost but also try to finish their initial goal of blowing all the candles out in the mansion. The group target or audience is players from 18 - 40 year old who owns a personal computer with a Windows operating system.

- Blow on mic to blow out the candle flame, check if the input sound is higher than defined
- Buff the ghost when all candle have been blown
- Randomly spawn ghost/player/objects
- Play sounds when specific event occurs

- Throwable objects on mouse click

Link: github/indarkness

Project report Beta: Audit_BETA.pdf

Project report Final: Audit_FINAL.pdf

Alpha, Beta, Final releases

Web Development

Student E-Notes

Student E-Notes is a small scale fullstack web application developed with HTML, CSS, JS for the front side and PHP, SQL for the back end. The idea of Student E-Notes is to be able to provide students with the ability to write notes, create todolist, and share their notes online and from any devices with its responsiveness.

- User signup and login
- User session
- Add/Delete/Share notes
- Add/Delete Todolist
- Responsive design


Stormy is the most accurate source of hyperlocal weather information. With down-to-the-minute forecasts, you’ll know exactly when the rain will start or stop, right where you're standing. It's almost like magic. Powered by the most used weather service API, Dark Sky is the best source of accurate weather forecasts to help you plan your life.

- Search cities with auto-complete
- Get accurate weather forecast
- Find user location and display map as well as forecast information
- Responsive design


Project objectives:
Today, almost everything can be found online, the main purpose of the migration of local to online businesses is so that client can reach more customers. Moreover, Yoga websites are becoming more and more common by providing basic yoga features and classes. However, Most of the Yoga Websites have terrible UI/UX designs and unresponsive. We would like to develop a Yoga web application that is responsive, interactive, has good UI/UX designs, and is usable. Our main goal is to build a user friendly site to help yoga lovers, beginners or yoga enthusiasts to have easy access to yoga classes, trainers, events, etc.

- User registration
- User authentication & authorization

- DB (SQLite) creation

Link: github/Yogaz

Mobile Development

Sticky Notes game AR

This game is created with Spark AR that is developed by facebook. It can be used to create mini games and filters using their AR techology. User will be able to play guessing game with his/her friends from a randomize list of data that will be displaying different object in each turn.
- Fun to play
- Timer to make the game even more fast paced
- Accurate face recognition trackers

STORMY-Android (Native)

Stormy Mobile is the most accurate source of hyperlocal weather information in android. With down-to-the-minute forecasts, you’ll know exactly when the rain will start or stop, right where you're standing. It's almost like magic. Powered by the most used weather service API, Dark Sky is the best source of accurate weather forecasts to help you plan your life.
- Find current location with Google maps API
- Accurately display hourly, and daily forecast
- Navigation bar for easy access (UI/UX)
- Followed Material design principles



Pintos was created at Stanford University by Ben Pfaff in 2004. It originated as a replacement for Nachos, a similar system originally developed at UC Berkeley by Tom Anderson, and was designed along similar lines. Like Nachos, Pintos is intended to introduce graduates to concepts in operating system design and implementation by requiring them to implement significant portions of a real operating system, including thread and memory management and file system access. Pintos also teaches students valuable debugging skills.

Distributed Systems

The course covers fundamental techniques that underlie our industry's most critical distributed systems. Not only that, the course programming assignments provide practical experience on designing, implementing, and debugging a real distributed system. Upon completing this course, students will have intimate knowledge about how things should be distributed.
P1: Simple Messenger on Android
P2-A: Group Messenger with a Local Persistent Key-Value Table
P2-B: Group Messenger with Total and FIFO Ordering Guarantees
P3: Simple DHT
P4: Replicated Key-Value Storage

Information Retreival

This course will introduce students to text-based information retrieval (IR) techniques, i.e. search engines. Various IR models such as the Boolean model, vector space model, and probabilistic models will be studied. Efficient indexing techniques for both general document collections and specialized collections (strings, XML documents) will be examined. Techniques for improving search performance including relevance feedback and local context analysis will be examined. The course will also cover web search engines including link analysis techniques such as PageRank and HITS. Students will work on programming projects to gain hands-on expertise in building and refining IR systems.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning techniques are a systematic approach to designing information processing systems, such as those for classification and regression, wherein significant uncertainty exists in the data. In the machine learning approach, input-output relationships are learnt from representative samples. This course will build upon basic techniques covered in the pre-requisite courses and cover advanced topics to include: graphical models (including Bayesian networks), mixture models and expectation maximization, approximate inference, sampling methods, continuous latent variables, sequential data, and combining models.



24 hours Game Jam Singapore 2019

Unity Unite Singapore 2019

Hackaton Internet of Things 2019

Reach Me

Address: Singapore

(+65) 8404 6974 (preferred)

(+1) 281 891 9428

